MiCareerQuest West Michigan 2025
Join Us!
Student Registration
Expose your 8th to 10th grade students to an innovative, interactive career event!
Registration for MiCareerQuest will open at 9 am on November 6. In the meanwhile, check out our 3D Walkthrough to see the 2024 setup!
Please note some schools operate in a different ISD than the county that the school is located in.
Please remember that each student and chaperone will need a ticket and that your district should aim to have one grade attend.
If your county's tickets are sold out, register HERE for the waitlist.
MONTCALM ISD: Registration is handled through the Montcalm Area ISD
As a participating employer, you have a unique opportunity to engage students through conversation and demonstration; to show them firsthand what it’s like to be an RN, foreman, software developer, mechanical engineer and more.
Don’t miss this opportunity to help prepare students for careers in your industry!
Ready to sign up?
Fill out our interest form to receive more information about MiCareerQuest.
Exhibitor Registration for MiCareerQuest is here.
Want More Information?
Connect with your industry council lead or attend an Informational meeting for the industry (emails and schedules below).
Watch the kickoff video.
Review the exhibitor promotional video and review our tips for creating a fun and engaging MiCareerQuest.
All Industry Planning Meetings: Second Thursday of each month from 10-11 am. Reach out to your industry contact below to be added!
Discover Manufacturing interim lead: Karrie Brown
Agribusiness Talent Council Lead: Carol Distel
Construction Careers Council lead: Jason Khoury
West Michigan Health Careers Council lead: Brad Sims
Explore Hospitality Council lead: Shakiya Taylor
West Michigan Tech Council interim lead: Amy Lebednick
You can help students make the connection between training, education and careers!
As an education exhibitor, you'll have the opportunity to engage with thousands of West Michigan students. Visit the sponsor page or use the sponsor button below to get started.
Sponsor MiCareerQuest
Employers and educators in West Michigan know that training, recruiting and retaining talent is a top priority.
Your sponsorship of MiCareerQuest will provide important, one-of-a-kind exposure to career opportunities in West Michigan. Your support will affirm your commitment to preparing our youth for viable careers AND a lifetime of learning.
MiCareerQuest will bring over 9,000 middle and high school students from West Michigan to a career fair unlike any other.
The experiential event lets students experience what it's like to be a nurse, foreman, mechanical engineer and more – directly from industry professionals.
To view options 2024 sponsorship levels, click the appropriate category below: